Hundreds of opportunities each day!

Imagine if you can bet on most of these 256 races, use betfair and physically never have to hit any buttons, or such like.

And the bets are placed to the instructions you have set up.

You have heard of computer stock and share trading, forex bots, well this is a bot that bets in the greyhounds.

This bot is designed to bet in the backing market for greyhounds.

And just like the stock trading bots, this one looks at the parametres you have set and if the race matches that, then ping the bot fires off the bet directly into betfair's computers and the bet is made.

The software stakings the bets, selects the dog, and records the results.

It also allows you to be involved in betting on races in different countries, and reqardless if you are awake or asleep.

We even show you how you can make this happened even if you don't have a computer!

Can I use it on an ipad or phone?

No & Yes, the software is windows based.

However if you use a VPS (Virtual Private Server), then you can access the software anywhere anytime on your ipad, iphone, and android device.

Why use a VPS? I have a windows based computer.

You don't need to use a vps, but here are the advantages:

  • 24/7 connections, without using your internet or power.
  • you can remote access it from many different devices, and locations.
  • we use a vps that costs around 9.99 euro a month.
  • you don't need a computer

Greyhound markets form late, this means betting in advance is really not an option, especially if you want to see where the money is going, what dog is most favoured by the public, not the bookies.

That is where a bot is the answer, we set ours at 5 seconds before the start time, as they are being boxed. So then the bot makes the bets to your preset instructions.

You can bet 3 different scenerios:

  • Example only. 1st Fav, odds 1.50 to 2.10, trap 1,2 and 6 only, in races distances between 300 to 499, in only these classes A1 to A11, UK
  • Example only. 2nd Fav, odds 3.00 to 5.00, but fav must be between 2.20 and 3.50, in races 285 to 780, all classes, all traps, UK
  • Example only. 1st Fav, odds 2.20 to 5.00, all distances, all traps/boxes, Australia/NZ

You can nominate the 1st through to 8th fav in the race (8 greyhounds in Aust/NZ)

There are some other settings, like Mexican Wave (sounds funny).

Runners, you can set how many runners must be in the race, example between 4-6, or in Aust/NZ 6-8.

Back-Lay Tick Diff (this is to make sure that the back and lay price are not to big, happens in poor markets).

Also market liquidly so Minimum matched amount (8000), this would mean that there must be atleast 8000 euro, pounds, dollars depending on your betfair account currency.

Also staking options, which we explain in the manual, that is accessible via the software.

HOT OF THE PRESS: UK-Australia Greyhound Strategy.

Three top strategies, Under 4 months £5,800 Profit

All on Auto Pilot.


On £10.00 Target: 5 months

£2,467.00 Profit. 16% ROI. (2,354 bets)


The above results were done without placing a bet manually, all handled by the bot.

Bet: UK Greyhounds, Target was £10.00, 16% return on every pound invested.

Even on £1.00 Target, that is £246.70 profit back in 5 months!!

Yes we will give you the exact settings for this method, to you on purchase.

OK, you asked here is the Australia 3rd Fav Results. (2019)


OK, what about the 4th Fav? (2019)


OK, OK, what about the Aussie 1st Fav in Box 1? (2019)



If you like to bet small then using a £1.00 target is still well worth it, showing great profit.

Remember the Betting Bot does the work you just set it up and keep it running.




Grab a PDF of the Manual.




Greyhounds Try Watch the Dog Swift Fantasy (No 2) at the back.

(New Zealand Greyhounds)

Why the video? I liked the spirit of this dog.

Swift Fantasy finished her career in 2012 with 14 wins, 6 seconds, and 7 thirds from 36 starts.

She amassed $152,156 during her career and forged a reputation as one of the most exciting greyhounds to ever race in Australasia.

You get to bet on greyhounds like this with our bot.




Some of the results we have had in testing the bot.

UK Test Results

Test 1

Level Staking.

Above you can see that we on level staking all traps. a loss of 30.78 points,

however using the trap filter, it makes a profit of 45.79 points on less than half the bets.

You can also see the win strike rate increases from 31% to 34%.

Test 2

Using 2 Tabs

The next graphic shows the 2nd fav over the same time had 24% strike rate


Above you can see that we on level staking all traps. a loss of 21.28 points on 758 races,

however using the trap filter, it makes a profit of 9.09 points on 352 less bets.

Once again the win strike rate increases from 24% to 25%.


Test 3 Using The 1st Fav Win Market Australian.

Above you can see that we on level staking all boxes (traps). a small profit of 3.22 points on 518 races,

however using the box filter and starting at 3.00 odds allowed , it makes a profit of 42.66 points on 157 less bets.

The win strike rate did not increases, however 35% strike is good on higher odds.



Test 4 Using The 2nd Fav Win Market Australian.

Level Staking


Above you can see that we on level staking all Boxes. a loss of 7.63 points on 199 races,

however using the box filter plus odds change to 3.50 to 5.00, it makes a profit of 31.50 points on 112 less bets.

Once again the win strike rate increases from 24% to 31%.






How to Run the software.

How to Use the Bots settings.

You make these setting once and then let the bot run, then you shut it down, these settings are retained.

Results are recorded and can be saved into M/S excel.

This allows you to research better options for the bot to bet.


What does it look like? (The bot that Is)...

See the big grey bit in the middle?

That is meant to be like that, as this saves data requests, and you don't really need it.

But, we know if you tell some one they don't need it they want it...

so if you tick the Show Market box, it will appear in the big grey space.

The bot does not need this grey area showing the markets, as it works on a higher level.

We recommend you leave the show market unticked.




Why this Software?

  • You get to bet on auto to your exact instructions.

  • Allows you to delete meetings and races if you wish.

  • Delete boxes that are not profitable.

  • Bet level staking or loss recovery.

  • Delete grades of races that deliver poor results.

  • Fine tune it to exactly want you want.

  • Set three different strategies

  • Chose different countries.

  • Adds fun and profit to the Dogs.




In Summary: (So you understand).

Needed By You.

  1. Betfair account
  2. PC with windows on it (If you don't you can use a VPS (requires extra outlay).
  3. Stable power and internet.
  4. The money to purchase the bot. (12month licence Early Bird £69.97 for 12 month access)
  5. 15 minutes to set it up once off.

From Us.

  1. Supply you the software
  2. Good customer support.
  3. Access to strategies we have tested.
  4. Updates should they be needed.

Here is another Strategy you can use with the bot.

Click Here To See this Strategy, you don't even need the bot..

but it is much easier.



Licence is for 1 Computer Only.


For Window Based Computers Only.

Can be used on Windows based VPN also.

Limited Numbers

Early Birds

First 50 15

are at £69.97

Grab Now For

12 Months Licence


Save £30.00

Pay only


Around 16p a day!!

Bet these all year round.




What to Lay instead of Back the Greyhounds?

Click here for the Laying Software.




If you don't accept this offer where will you be with your punting in a month from now?

2019-2025 ©

Steve Davidson © 2019- 2025

Refund Policy

We, as a merchant, provide both products (goods) and services (information) to our customers.

Unlike companies that provide a tangible product that can be returned for a refund, our product is information. It can be used immediately upon viewing, and there is no product to return. Once a service has commenced, there can be no refund. Our services are the absolute best we can make them. Just as with the Stock Market, our customers must recognize that the information cannot be guaranteed, and that past performance is not a promise of future results. What is guaranteed is that each and every customer will receive the service that was purchased in full.

If merchandise or products are ordered through a Direct Mail advertisement or via the Internet, the guarantee, if any, is included in the mailing, promotion or service description. Our advertising will also include the terms and conditions for refunds on any books, publications and/or systems purchased.



Steve Davidson


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